Easing The Litigation Experience

When To Know You Have A Good Personal Injury Case

Sooner or later, many accident victims end up wondering if they have a good personal injury case against the other driver. The value of your case may determine whether you seek legal damages or just accept what the insurer offers you. Read on and find out more.


If the other driver is at fault for causing the accident, you are good to go when it comes to seeking damages. However, if you and the other driver disagree about fault, you can still be paid, but it could be more of a challenge to prove fault.

Physical Injuries

You may be traumatized by the accident even if you were not physically hurt. However, you must have physical injuries, even if they are minor injuries, to have a case. Be sure and seek medical attention after a wreck to make sure you are not hurt more than you know. If you begin experiencing medical issues in the days or weeks after a wreck, go to the doctor and let them know that you were in an accident. However, the sooner you seek medical help after an accident, the better.

When it comes to being covered by insurance, your medical bills should be met. However, the higher your bills, the more likely it is that you were seriously injured. That turns your case into much more than an ordinary personal injury action. You may be eligible to be paid pain and suffering damages. The amount of misery you are suffering from the accident can be turned into a lot of dollars and cents with the help of a personal injury lawyer.


Evidence comes in handy when proving fault. The focus should be on the scene of the accident. The accident report, though not admissible in court, provides a valuable opinion of the responding law enforcement officer about what happened. Other types of accident evidence that play a big part in fault are marks on the pavement, where the vehicles rested, and the location of damage to the vehicles.

Another way evidence comes into play is to prove accident damages. For example, you can be paid for your lost wages, but you need to show documentation of your earnings, your work schedule, and a list of hours you missed. You can also prove damages with medical records, photographs of your injuries, vehicle repair estimates, and more.

Learn more about the value of your case by speaking with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Contact an auto accident lawyer for more information. 
