Easing The Litigation Experience

What Should You Bring To Your Initial Meeting With Your Personal Injury Attorney?

You've been injured, you're confident that it is someone else's fault, and you've decided to file a personal injury case against that individual. The first big step is to meet with an attorney and discuss whether or not you actually have a strong case. How prepared you are for that meeting will affect how well it goes. So, make sure you bring all of the following items with you to that first meeting.

1. Names and addresses of the doctors who treated you.

Your lawyer will need to contact them for statements and possibly additional evidence. Include information of anyone who has treated you, from chiropractors to specialists.

2. Any medical bills.

An important part of this meeting will be determining just how much you should sue for. So, your lawyer will need to know how much this experience has cost you. Do not just bring bills from doctors. Bring bills for pain relievers, bandages, and all other items you've purchased because of your injuries.

3. Work records.

If you have missed work because of your injury, you can sue for lost wages. But you will need some sort of official evidence of the time you have missed, whether it is a signed letter from your company or a time sheet.

4. Names of any witnesses.

In many personal injury cases, witnesses to the accident are called upon to ensure they saw the accident happen as you claim it did. Give the lawyer any information you have from the witnesses, including their names and contact information, so your lawyer can collect statements as needed.

5. Photos of the injury's progression.

Chances are, you have healed somewhat from your injuries by now. It will be important for your lawyer and the courts to see what the injuries looked like immediately after the accident, so bring any photos you might have with you. Be prepared for your lawyer to keep any copies you give them.

6. Your insurance information.

If you were injured in a car accident, make sure you bring your car insurance policy number. Also bring copies of any letters or emails you have received from your insurance company in the meantime.

7. Any information you have about the person you are suing.

If you only know their name, bring that. If you have their address, phone number, Facebook account, email address, and so forth, bring that too. The less detective work your lawyer has to do to track this person down, the better.
